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Light Iron Scrap Prices – United States

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Are you looking for the latest prices of light iron scrap in United States? Then no worries here you can find out daily updated rates in different cities of US. Light iron scrap is a relatively thin and light weight iron based items. These are mainly comes from everyday consumer items, small construction and light weight machineries.

Current Light Iron Scrap Prices

Current Prices


30 Days Average Price


Light Iron Scrap Price in Different Cities

Here is a latest updated table of light scrap iron in different cities of United States.

New Jersey$7/cw

Light Iron Scrap Prices

What is Light iron scrap?

Light iron Scrap contains many small and large size low weight iron containing scrap. Some of them are mentioned below in list –

  • Tin cans and other food containers
  • Household appliances like toasters, microwaves, and washing machines
  • Light structural elements from buildings or bridges
  • Thin metal sheets from construction and demolition debris
  • Car parts such as hoods, fenders, and doors

How to Know Prices of light iron:

Light iron scrap rates vary depending on the market demand. If your household items contains lots of iron based scrap items or if you got from any construction then you can turn them into money, just by selling them to scrapyards.

It is very important to have a knowledge before selling scrap. So for daily live scrap light iron prices you can bookmark or follow this page. We update the prices as soon as the market price changes.